
Jupyter Hub (VPN needed)
Purpose CPU computation GPU computation Storage and Backup
CPU AMD EPYC 64 cores AMD EPYC 64 cores AMD RX-421ND 2 cores
Titan RTX and A6000

7-day Tutorial on Linux

Day 1: Manipulate Terminal with CD Commands.
Day 2: Basic Linux Commands with Examples, Process management, SCP , and Nohup (important command)
Day 3: File Permissions in Linux
Day 4: Input Output Redirection in Linux
Day 5: VI Editor tutorial (important)
Day 6: Pipe, Grep and Sort Command in Linux
Day 7: Task: Create a directory named "dummy," create an empty file in this directory, open that file using an editor, write the text, save the file, exit from the editor. Delete the file, and then the directory.

14-day Tutorial on PostGres Database

Day 1: Connecting to PostGres and Commands.
Day 2: SELECT DATA FROM A TABLE (practise by searching in the W3schools/internet).
Day 3: SELECT DATA FROM MULTIPLE TABLES Using Joins (practise by searching in the W3schools/internet).
Day 4: SELECT with Min, MAX, AVG, DISTANT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and ARRAY_AGG() (practise by searching in the W3schools/internet).
Day 5: Create Tables with primary key, foreign key, and other constraints. Creating Geography Tables.
Day 6: Alter table (add/delete columns, add/delete constraints)
Day 7: Insert into table
Day 8: Update
Day 9: Delete data in a table. Drop table.
Day 10: Connecting to PostGres with Python Drop table.
Day 11: Reading data from PostGres tables with Python
Day 12: Storing data into PostGres tables with Python
Day 13: Reading table data into dataframe
Day 14: Storing CSV file into the table

7-day Tutorial on Github, Markdown, Pycharm, and PAMI Library

Day 1: Github
Day 2: Markdown
Day 3: Pycharm User interface, Creating and executing projects, and Cloning, Updating, and Commiting Github repositories (important).
Day 4: PAMI (Chapters 1 to 3)
Day 5:PAMI (Chapters 4 and 5)
Day 6:PAMI (Chapters 6 and 7)
Day 7:Task: Create a Github public repository, clone the repository using Pycharm, install the PAMI repository using PIP, execute FP-growth algorithm, and push your algorithm into Github from Pycharm.