
"Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering" for International students

November 07, 2016

"Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering" for International students was opened.

The Course syllabus SyllabusOfIntroCSE4.pdf

Class schedule

Quarter 3

1) Nov. 1 Introduction to the course, some basic concepts (Prof. S. Tei)

lecture1.pdf lecture1AfterLecture.pdf

2) Nov. 8 Orientation for oversee students enrolled in Advanced ICT program

Scholarship, life plan, and study plan
(Dr. Zhou supported by Prof. Kansen, Mr. Watanabe)

lecture2.pdf Orientation.pdf

3) Nov. 15 Basic concepts and courses of computer science and engineering (1) Prof. S. Tei

Structure of Univ. of Aizu curriculum & strongly recommended courses

Essence and examples of Computer Architecture, OS, Computer Networks

* 11月22日 no classes

4) Nov. 29 Presentation by students on "My understanding on Computer Science and Engineering (Prof. Tei, Prof. Junbo Wang)

Quarter 4

1) Dec. Visiting local venture company 1 (coordinator Prof. Kansen)

2) Dec. Visiting local venture company 2 (coordinator Prof. Kansen)

3) Jan Visiting local venture company 3 (coordinator Prof. Kansen)

Jan. Report & presentation on the visiting of ventures (Prof. Tei & Kansen)