
Exhibiting at the largest Japanese Hardware Contest, [GUGEN 2019]!!

November 07, 2019

Participants of the Silicon Valley Internship Program 2019 are exhibiting their achivements at "GUGEN 2019", the largest Japanese hardware contest.
They worked on developing with several IoT devices in 2 weeks in Silicon Valley.
They have been preparing for this contest after they return to Japan with various advice from local engineers and businessmen in Silicon Valley.

"GUGEN 2019" will select some candidate's works based on the product introducton video on the website for exhibition and will held award ceremony in December.
Click "ほしいね!(Want it!)" button for your favorite products. The number of "ほしいね!(Want it!)" will also be taken into acount in product screening.

Products of Student in the UoA

◆「IoT ハンガー」 by 佐藤亜斗武

◆「動物レゴ認識装置 Guess what you made」 by M2Mテック joy?しほみペア

◆「Come on, man!」 by M2Mテック joy?しほみペア

◆踊れる光 - NEON Jacket  by しほみスタジオ

◆「SuperCar 文字で動きなさい」 by シリコンバレーインターンシップ

◆「Skeleton Recognition」 by M2M テック Alan?助川ペア

◆「ロボットアーム交響楽団」 by 山田快


Please check articles on "Focus" page! Inteview of participants for the internship is published.

(【SERIES】Experiences in Silicon Valley Internship Program 2019)
第1回 佐藤 亜斗武さん(/sgu/closeup/2019.html)
第2回 橋本 志穂実さん(/sgu/closeup/2019_1.html)
第3回 山田 快さん(/sgu/closeup/2019_2.html)