腾博会游戏大厅_腾博会国际娱乐-下载|官网女性プログラマ育成塾 第2期生入講式について
Studies and CollaborationsEvent ReportEvent Report2018.07.02 The nameplate was installed in the Oyama cherry tree donated by the Kitakata Rotary Club last year.
Event ReportThe First Symposium on AI Science and Technology (SAIST) will be held on April 21 (Saturday).
Event ReportAY 2018 Entrance Ceremony was held
StudentsAY 2017 Excellent Student Award
AwardsActivitiesDegree Conferment Ceremony for AY 2017 Held
Event ReportThe University of Aizu and Shirakawa City signed a cooperation agreement.
Studies and CollaborationsGraduate School Information Fair
StudentsThanh V. Pham is awarded the 2017 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award